Sunday, 21 August 2011

Everyone has memorable moments in their life. It is same goes to me. The memorable moments will not easy to forget and it will make us always remember it all the time. I have many memorable moments in my life that I will never forget it for whole of my life. The most memorable one is my upper form years at Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Kubang Bemban with my responsible teachers and loving friends.

After we got PMR results, we needed to choose a class that we wanted to continue our study for SPM. The selection for the class depends on the course that we liked and suitable for our future jobs. From that, I met with my best friends; Amira, Fatin, Nik, Saerah, Nini and Athirah. I did not expect that I could find the true friends in my life as many people say that it is too hard to find true friends. I am so grateful and thankful for His Giving.

During the school time, we always spend time studying, doing homeworks and discussing together. It is not only during the school time but also during we were at home. Sometimes, we gathered at one of my friends’s house either to study or relax. It was foster closer our friendships and it is not only for our friendship but also for our families. Because of this, our parents knew each other and became closer. That is why we look like a big family.

They are so kind-hearted, friendly and supportive friends as I was never met before this. They are always by my side when I was upset or sad. They never leave me alone when they are happy and succeed. The friend indeed is friend in need. Besides, they always support and give advices to me. We promised that we will be friend forever even though we are not stay together when we are further our studies. The friendship is so meaningful for us. I do not want to lose them.

There are many things that make the friendship is very meaningful as I will never forget. It coloured our life with so many colours. If we remember it again, it can make us laugh and smile alone and miss it so much. In the years, we were naughty especially Amira, Fatin and I because we are brave to do something that opposite with the school’s rules. But we were not extremely brave to do so. We just came late to class after recess and the poorest thing is it is always for BM class. Luckily, my BM’s teacher is patient and kind-hearted person. If she is not, of course she will scold and give punishment for us.

Other than that, we skipped the prayer time in school period everyday if there is no extra class. Even though we skipped the prayer time, we did not skip to pray. The important thing is we were never skip solat hajat although once. In other hand, we as the girls were always arguing with the boys even though there is teacher in the class as my class teacher said that we like cat and dog. But before we sat for SPM, we became so closer to each other. There was no more shouting, fighting and arguing but only laughing and smiling after that. Our days were happier than before and it was like a heaven.

I never felt so happy as a lark like this before. From all of these, I learnt that friendship is so important as we can say that without friends there is no happiness in our life. I very appreciate my friends and the moments with them. The moments cannot be repeated and it is only can be remember time by time. I will keep it always in my memory for the whole of my life.


  1. Everyone in this very world have something that they precious the most and could not forget.The something precious is called memory that we keep in our mind for very long time so that we don't forget it.I also have an unforgettable memory from
    my life that I want to share to everyone.

    The unforgettable memory that I had was when I went to Indonesia for sightseeing.After SPM examination was over ,my friend and I went to Indonesia by aeroplane.The journey was only for about 45 minutes but I feel very happy because this my first time on aeroplane.After we reach there, we went to the nearest tourist guide place and all our vacation trips was arranged for the next tree whole days.We went to lot of places like to a place called Lake Toba,muzium
    and to the beach.We went on horse riding too and
    it was an awesome ride.The weather there was the best and the country is well taken care of it's nature.After,three whole days spending our time there we came back to Malaysia.

    Well that's about the most unforgettable memory that is precious to me .Now,you all can share to us what is your unforgettable moment in your life and share with us.

  2. I suggest you should put the title of your entry... thanks for sharing.
