Sipadan Island

I was 9 to 10 years old at that time and I was on vacation to Sipadan Island with my uncle. My friends and their parents also joined together. After arrived on that island, I had a walk around the Sipadan Water Village Resort along with my friends. As young children, we were very curious and wanted to have a close look at everything we saw. Then, one of my friend took a kite whose someone might left it there and we played it. We promised to play it by turn. However, one of my friend was very naughty and lie a lot. He said to me, "It is my turn now". I said "No, it's mine". He pushed me and I fell down. I stand up and ask for my turn, again he pushed me and I fell down. This time I was very angry and with frowning eyes, I warned him, "If you won't let me play, I will throw your precious cap onto the water". Then, easily, he said "Whatever!!". I took his cap from his head and threw it onto the sea. He started crying like a small child. Then, I started to play the kite happily and innocently. Suddenly, he jumped down onto the water and I just looked at him. The cap was his valuable treasure, which is his birthday present.

After some time, he shouted, "Help! Help!" I was naive than the others, and I also more stupid at that time. "Oh! He need a help to get his cap", I talked alone, but actually, he desperately shouted for help as he was almost drowned. Fully with enthusiasm, I jumped down onto the water to get his cap, like a hero, but not to save him as I think he knew how to swim. I felt very confident and sure with my action. By then I was so cocksure of my ability that I started to make a back-flip. That was my undoing for the next moment down I came with a splash on the water and started to get drowned. I was shouted for help. Sadly, despite calling for immediate help from others, my other friends were just laughing at us like a bunch of fools.
Luckily there was a tourist came to save both of us. I felt so ashamed. Firstly, I was the one who is too excited to be a hero, but in the end, I was the one who was saved. I just made the situation more complicated. On the evening, his father came to me and complaining, "See, what you have done to my son? He almost die!". "I didn't do anything.", I replied. Then, he shouted at me, his face was like an evil wizard. I was speechless. Then, my uncle came, I pretended to be innocent. He asked me to explained everything. After heard everything, the man said to me "Oh! I am sorry. I don't know why I spelled so bad words for you." My uncle said "They are children and friends, today they fought and tomorrow they will play together again, then why we are blaming and shouting."
I didn't forget these words, my uncle was so cool. That day I didn't understand what was the meaning of that words, but when I grew up, I understood, what he meant to say. Today, when I remind those moment, I feel so bad for my foolish things I did. I was so silly and naughty boy. But, I appreciate this memory, it had changed me a lot from inside. After that incident, I had learnt what was the meaning of friendship, how to considerate and be patient with others, the value of inquisitive, the importance of being matured enough and also I had learnt how to swim.....

We could never have loved the earth so well if we had no childhood in it.Childhood is the fiery furnace in which we are melted down to essentials and that essential shaped for good.In one way or another, memories and experiences can lead to great success.
By: Mohammad Rizal Bin Abdul Rahman (16525)
I feel that you must be a very naughty boy at those moments you've narrated.
ReplyDeleteAnyway, thanks for sharing. I might learn something. =)