Friday, 19 August 2011

Generation of teens

Mark Zuckerberg once said “ You don’t get to 500 million friends without gaining a few enemies”. Unfortunately, what Mark Zuckerberg didn’t tell you was that “You will get to 500 million friends but would not even actually gain one” Well, theoretically speaking that is. Using the reality of the sentence would not make Facebook or any propaganda filled websites like Twitter to be used by nearly, well, I bet 99.97 % of the whole universe (minus the ones in rural I-only-see-lions-and-giraffes areas). Everything you need to know about that boy you had a crush on since forever is right there with a click of the follow button. Everything you need to know about someone’s life and their dramas are all there in the screens of your Vaios and Macs. No, and this time you don’t need a Gossip Girl to be telling you things with hugs and kisses at the end of each sentences. You can go right to the source.

Living in a generation of teens enticed in a world full of technology is actually a blessed way to live. No more hassle to write letters engraved with a candle made stamp ala Hogwarts. Dumbledore, there’s a thing called Hotmail and they can send your letters faster than you can say Wingardium LeviOsa not LevioSA, see Hermione taught me that. But do these type of communications really help us ? Or is it just a common sleuth destroying your private lives in 140 characters or less ?

“Ate Ikea Meatballs for lunch”, “Out to KL, shopping” or even just “sleeping”. I mean, what ? You’re sleeping but you’re Twitting ? Wow, I’m impressed of such magical possibilities. We tweet or Fb’d about basically just anything to the world wide web. Of course I have to say I also do have my share of tweets and statuses, and yes ironic as it is, I also was (I’m not in denial) one of those hunger enraged teens with the capability to tweet almost about anything from going out for some groceries to depressing hormone filled days. I’m an 18 year old girl, what do you expect ? In relevancy to that, I also have a fair share of back lashes and anonymous(es) on Tumblr to give me hurtful messages that lowered my self-esteem level to zilch. Curses. So what is it with these ?

Besides having the pros of efficient stalking, the cons have finally emerged from the depths of the social pool ; no direct communication. In other words, a decline in the social ogive. And also the obvious, lies travel faster with Streamyx. The things we post online and without no direct intention would maybe effect someone possibly on the other side of the world. New friends are made, and relationships are ended. All through the god of bad news ; the internet. It can be one son of a female-dog. ( see what I did there ? ) We tend to believe the things we see or heard from the internet without even wondering whether is it a lie or just plain truth. Tampering onto the last bit of negativity. Where’s chivalry when you need em’ ?

What happened to meeting someone naturally ? Like in the 8O’s movies where you bump into your soul mate on the streets by accident just because your new Loboutin heels were stuck on the black and white pavements. Where’s the cup of freshly brewed coffee over a warm croissant for the ‘we should get to know each other better’ moment ? Obviously you only see what an individual wants you too see via internet, and obviously people won’t know you that well but think they do and start saying this is how you should live your life or this is what you are just based on things you posted ! Where’s the unbearable moment of waiting by your window sill when your lover is away ? Well, technically we do still have windows. Windows Vista get it, get it, get i– nevermind. The point is ! ( hides embarrassment) natural communications are bound to be mythical in a few years time. Think about it, do you meet all of these people in your life the natural way or was it by strings of complicated wires and satellites ? And also, maybe you should rethink of typing ‘having a swim in the backyard’, you won’t know who’s going to come watch you.
