Determination is one of the main themes in this animated short film. It shows how the person try to give as best as his can to achieve his target or wills.

In this short film, a one man band performer named Bass sets up his mobile stage and begins to play his ensemble in a quiet Italian village plaza. He's set out his tin cup in front in the hoes of getting a few coins for his entertainment. He looks out across the square and notices a small peasant girl approaching the fountain with a gold coin,with the intention of dropping it to make a wish. He excitedly looks at the coin and toots his trumpet to get the girl's attention. He lures her in his direction playing some fun tunes and he offers her tin cup for the coin. Just when the girl is about to drop the coin into Bass's cup, a newcomer steps onto the scene. Treble, a suave and flamboyant street performer, plays a more attractive sound, effectively stealing the girl's attention. Treble plays different stringed instruments and even has a smiling puppet whose hat tips down for coin collecting. The small girl is wide-eyed and impressed and begins to put the coin into the puppet's hat when she turns to see Bass pulling out all the stops to get her attention again.
However,Bass loses control of his acrobatics though, and destroys his stage and falls all over himself and his instruments. Treble looks at the small girl as if Bass is a silly nuisance and begins to play again. Bass doesn't give up though, and soon the two one man bands are dueling it out over the tip they both want from the girl. They both play at the same time, creating a crescendo of wild chaotic music. However, the small girl cowers in fear and drops her coin, which fall into the drain. This is the consequence of being greed, another theme in this short film. Sometimes, a person becomes greed towards something and willing to do anything in order to achieve it.

However, a post-credits scene shows that it is now nighttime, with Treble standing on Bass, trying to reach for the coins in that fountain. This shows the cooperation between them at the end of the story....
By: Mohammad Rizal Bin Abdul Rahman (16525)
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